Arun Bhagwati


Arun is an author, entrepreneur, producer and a die hard storyteller with 20+ years of work experience across industries and cultures. He ideates concepts, produces podcasts, short films and web series. He also curates talk shows, events, festivals and more. His cross-cultural mythological fiction book, Guardians Of Shambhala© is a must read. It is a mind-bender and the first of his book series.

A Story Club Network is an amalgam of multicultural stories and expressions from around the world. It began as a series of social events in The United States and in India. Four events down the road, there was a global lock-down and the venture had to alter plans, restructure, re-design and start off in a new way. The idea was to be able to do the same storytelling events but as virtual shows now. Today, we have completed over 150 episodes on Facebook with 9K+ followers across our network. In this journey A Story Club expanded into a network of shows including monologue shows, talk shows, discussions and more about authors, their books, history, culture and wellness from different parts of the world'.